Design and Construction of Concrete Shell Roofs by G. S. Ramaswamy. - Rev ed. - United States of America. Robert E. Krieger Publishing Company, Inc. , 1984. - x, 745 p. : 23 cm.

Includes bibliography and index.

"When the first edition of this book was conceived and written in the early sixties, the large scale use of electronic digital computers in structural analysis was just round the corner. In the first version of the manuscript, written in 1961, the 4 x 4 matrices figuring in Chapter 8 were inverted by tedious and time-consuming methods, using a mechanical calculator. Fortunately, by the middle of 1964, when the manuscript was being fialized, the author gained access to an IBM 1620 computer. This led to a throrough revision of the manuscript to orient the presentation to suit digital computers."

English text.


SHS 690.15 R14d 1984