Solmerano, Ernesto Thaddeus M.

Art appreciation/ by Ernesto Thaddeus M. Solmerano - Second ed. - Mandaluyong City : Books Atbp. Publishing Corp. , 2023. - xiv , 221 pp. : ill. ; 22 cm.

Includes references.

"This textbook offers only small, enticing samples from an enormous cultural buffet of our country. To dine more fully, students are encouraged to go beyond the sampling presented at this table; and for the most sumptuous feasting, nothing can substitute for the first-hand experience. Students, therefore, should make every effort to supplement this book with visits to art museums, art exhibits and galleries, concert halls, theaters and libraries. The author's utmost hope is for the students to enjoy and benefit from this art study."



Art appreciation
Art criticism

700.1 S688 2023