Manalo, Marivic Valenzuela

Learning to succeed in business with accounting: accountancy, business, and management strand : senior high school by Marivic Valenzuela-Manalo - Quezon City: Phoenix Publishing House Inc. 2016 - Vol.1 , x , 418 p. : ill. ; 25 cm.

Includes bibliography.

"This book comes in two volumes, both designed as textbook material in introductory accounting for grades 11 and 12 students. In line with the objective of the senior High School under the Accountancy, Business, and Management strand. To prepare student for careers in business related fields making them ready to deal effectively with the challenges they will face as business professionals and responsible citizens. The books were written utilizing the outcome based education (OBE) paradigm. OBE is an educational process which is based on trying to achieve certain specified outcomes that encourages the teacher and the student to share responsibility for learning.
This book includes presentations and discussions of various accounting concepts. Basic accounting frameworks are simplified to provide the reader with an initial working knowledge on the different steps of the accounting cycle for service and merchandising business. Emphasis is given to various accounting concepts and at the same time the development of procedural accounting accounting skills. Different basic accounting frameworks and forms are used assist readers in understanding seemingly complex accounting subject matter".

English text.



SHS 657 Ma11a 2016