Miranda, Noel P.
Called to Follow Christ in True Freedom : christian life education high school series by Noel P. Miranda - 3rd ed - Quezon City : Sibs Publishing House, Inc. , 2017 - xxii , 342 p . : ill. , 28 cm
"These key themes from the core of what we believe, pray, and do as Catholics. They help us understand our identity and by doing so, bring to light our mission as disciples of Jesus. The discussion of these basic tenets of faith culminate, in the celebration of the sacrament of confirmation, the sacrament that perfects the grace we received at Baptism, and empowers us to live out more faithfully the mission we received as baptized Catholics."
Called to Follow Christ in True Freedom : christian life education high school series by Noel P. Miranda - 3rd ed - Quezon City : Sibs Publishing House, Inc. , 2017 - xxii , 342 p . : ill. , 28 cm
"These key themes from the core of what we believe, pray, and do as Catholics. They help us understand our identity and by doing so, bring to light our mission as disciples of Jesus. The discussion of these basic tenets of faith culminate, in the celebration of the sacrament of confirmation, the sacrament that perfects the grace we received at Baptism, and empowers us to live out more faithfully the mission we received as baptized Catholics."