Hands-On CADKEY a guide to versions 5,6, and 7 by Timothy J. Sexton - United States of America. Richard D. Darwin. , 1996. - xxv, 627 p. : ill. ; 27 cm.

Includes Appendix and Index.

"Hands-On CADKEY: A Guide to Version 5, 6, and 7 is intende to be used by (1)students in course in engineering graphics that use CADKEY as their CAD program and (2) individuals with a background in basic engineering graphics who are trying to learn CAD KEY on their own. The author believes that 3-D is one of the most important and useful conceptualization tools for teaching engineering graphics. Its 3-D aspects are vital to helping students develop the ability to visualize and work in a three-dimensional environment. The number of tutorials devoted to basic geometry construction and editing in this text may give the impression that the concepts of 2-D engineering graphics and 2-D CAD must be mastered before moving on to 3-D CAD."

English Text


Computer graphics--Study and Teaching
CADkey--Study and Teaching
Computer-aided design--Study and Teaching
Teechnical Drawing--Study and Teaching

SHS 604.202 S9h 1996