Dunbar, Clement.
Assignments in exposition by Clement Dunbar, Georgia Dunbar, and Louise E. Rorabacher - 11th ed. - New York : HarperCollins College Publishers, 1994. - xx, 458 p. : ill. ; 23 cm.
Rev. and enl. ed. of: Assignments in exposition / Georgia Dunbar, Clement Dunbar, Louise E. Rorabacher.
Includes bibliographical references.
"The eleventh edition of assignment in Exposition, like the preceding editions, emphasis the basic structural patterns of organization and the materials- the substance- fundamentals to effective writing and logical thinking. These do not limit our creative ability. Instead, like the foundations and framework of a house, they act as a support, liberating our imaginations to discover new approaches and fresh insights."
English text.
English language--Rhetoric.
Exposition (Rhetoric)
College readers.
PE1429 / .R5 1994
Assignments in exposition by Clement Dunbar, Georgia Dunbar, and Louise E. Rorabacher - 11th ed. - New York : HarperCollins College Publishers, 1994. - xx, 458 p. : ill. ; 23 cm.
Rev. and enl. ed. of: Assignments in exposition / Georgia Dunbar, Clement Dunbar, Louise E. Rorabacher.
Includes bibliographical references.
"The eleventh edition of assignment in Exposition, like the preceding editions, emphasis the basic structural patterns of organization and the materials- the substance- fundamentals to effective writing and logical thinking. These do not limit our creative ability. Instead, like the foundations and framework of a house, they act as a support, liberating our imaginations to discover new approaches and fresh insights."
English text.
English language--Rhetoric.
Exposition (Rhetoric)
College readers.
PE1429 / .R5 1994