Integrated learning and living in the 21st century 9
by John Gabrielle D. Basbas and Mary Jane Dr. Patiņo
- Quezon City. Rex Book Store, Inc. , 2021.
- xxxviii, 176 p. : ill. ; 25 cm.
"This teacher's resource material (TRM) in Technology and Livelihood Education (TLE) for Grade 9 students is intended to provide you with a resource of teaching materials and other helpful information that can aid you in teaching materials and other helpful information that can aid you in teaching this subject effectively. It consist of an overview of each unit, a curriculum map, and daily lesson guides for the entire course. It also contains quarterly tests or summative test for every subject area, answer keys to worktext exercises, and sample rubrics and sample rubrics and scorecards, which you will find helpful in the evaluation of student's performances, products or outputs, and accomplishments in every unit".
English text.
Technology and livelihood Education Home economics--Study and teaching