General zoology by Tracy I. Storer ... [et al.]. - 6th ed. - New York : McGraw-Hill, c1979. - ix, 902 p. : ill. ; 25 cm.

Includes bibliographies and index.

"This book is a general introduction to zoology at the college and university level. The subject matter is arranged to facilitate readings with either lectures or laboratory work and for reference use. Part I deals with general principles of animal biology. The first chapters deal with the finer structures of the body and their organization into special systems that carry on essentials life processes. Succeeding chapters consider the more general phases of animal existence- reproduction, heredity, distribution and evolution. In Part II, following an introduction to classifying and naming of animals, each chapter describes the structure and some aspects of the physiology of typical animals belonging to each major group- from the protozoans to humans. The accounts of natural history and reproduction show how structure and function serve in the life histories of these and related animals."

English text.

0070617805 : $17.50



QL47.2 / .G46 1979

SHS 591 St6g 1979