Saqueton, Grace M.

English for academic and professional purposes by Grace M. Saqueton and Marikit Tara A. Uychoco - 1st ed. - Sampaloc, Manila : Rex Bookstore, Inc. , 2016 - vi , 173 p. : ill. ; 25 cm.

Includes references and index.

"English for Academic and Professional Purposes is grounded in four academic papers: the reaction paper, concept paper, position paper, and report paper, which are traditionally taught for college freshman. In light of the K to 12 curriculum and the Asean integration, these lessons are now been brought down to senior high school. The books aims to provide different lenses for writing in order to help the students develop a love for academic writing. All the lessons in this book follow the 7ES and REM frameworks, which are aligned with the Department of Education's curriculum and standards. In addition, they are geared toward inductive learning, collaborative learning, and process-oriented approach to writing, which are frameworks that will help develop 21st century learners who are capable of critical thinking, critical reading, critical processing of digital information, and critical writing."

English text.


English language - Composition and exercises.
Reading comprehension - Problems, exercises, etc.

SHS 401.41 Sa1e 2016