Oz, Effy

Principles of management information systems by Effy Oz - Philippine ed. - Australia : Cengage Learning Asia Pte. Ltd. , 2011. - 578 p. : ill. ; 23 cm.

Includes glossary and index.

"The Principles of Management Information Systems is to provide a real-world understanding of information systems (ISs) for business and computer science students. This edition provides with a firm foundation in business-related information technology (IT) on which they can build successful careers regardless of the particular fields they choose. They may find themselves formulating strategic plans in executive suites, optimizing operations in businesses or on factory floors, fine-turning plans for their own entrepreneurial ventures, designing ISs to optimize their organization's operations, working as consultants, augmenting business activities on the Web, or creating valuable new information products in any number of industries. This edition is organized in fourteen chapters that contain the most important topics for business students. The fundamental principle guiding this book is the ISs everywhere in business. This book also provides students with the proper balance of technical information and real-world applications. No matter what field they undertake, students will enter the business world knowing how to get information to work for them."

English text.


Management information systems

SHS 658.403 Oz1p 2011