Hahn, Dale B.
Focus on health by Dale B. Hahn - 4th ed. - New York: McGraw-Hill, 1999 - xx,4456 p. : ill. col. ; 27 cm.
Includes glossary
As health educator, you already know that the personal health course is one of the most exciting courses a college student will take. Today's media oriented college students are aware of the critical health issues of the late 1990's. They hear about environmental issues, substance abuse, sexually transmitted diseases, fitness, and nutrition virtually every day. The value of the personal health course is its potential to expand student's knowledge of these and other health topics. Students will then be able to examine their attitudes towards health issues and modify their behavior to improve their health and perhaps even prevent or delay the onset of certain health conditions.
Focus on Health accomplishments this task with a carefully composed, well-documented manuscript written by two health educators who teach the personal health course to nearby 1000 students each year. We understand the teaching issues you face daily in the classroom and have written this text with your concerns in mind.
English text
Focus on health by Dale B. Hahn - 4th ed. - New York: McGraw-Hill, 1999 - xx,4456 p. : ill. col. ; 27 cm.
Includes glossary
As health educator, you already know that the personal health course is one of the most exciting courses a college student will take. Today's media oriented college students are aware of the critical health issues of the late 1990's. They hear about environmental issues, substance abuse, sexually transmitted diseases, fitness, and nutrition virtually every day. The value of the personal health course is its potential to expand student's knowledge of these and other health topics. Students will then be able to examine their attitudes towards health issues and modify their behavior to improve their health and perhaps even prevent or delay the onset of certain health conditions.
Focus on Health accomplishments this task with a carefully composed, well-documented manuscript written by two health educators who teach the personal health course to nearby 1000 students each year. We understand the teaching issues you face daily in the classroom and have written this text with your concerns in mind.
English text