Physical activity towards health and fitness (PATH-FIT 2) : combative sports and outdoor recreational activities/
by Mary Grace M. Bulatao...[et. al.]
- Manila : Mindshapers Co. Inc. , 2023.
- viii , 144 pp. : ill. ; 23 cm.
Includes references.
"The major goal of physical education is fitness, that is, the individual can live a healthy, satisfying and useful life. In order to do this, the individual has the right to choose what activity he/she will do. Studies would show that one of the most convenient, satisfying and useful activities is through engaging oneself in combative sports and outdoor recreational activities. These activities will help individuals understand self-defense and the importance of spending time with God-given nature."
Physical fitness
370.81 P578 2023
Includes references.
"The major goal of physical education is fitness, that is, the individual can live a healthy, satisfying and useful life. In order to do this, the individual has the right to choose what activity he/she will do. Studies would show that one of the most convenient, satisfying and useful activities is through engaging oneself in combative sports and outdoor recreational activities. These activities will help individuals understand self-defense and the importance of spending time with God-given nature."
Physical fitness
370.81 P578 2023